Wabi Sabi Cookie Workshop
@ K11 Art Mall
Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese aesthetic that appreciates imperfect beauty and nature.
Deep Food designed three cookie sets that each reveal one concept of wabi-sabi to host a workshop at K11 Art Mall.
The first one is a cookie inspired by 寂寥 (the beauty of being alone)
A cookie karesansui with an actual stone
The stone will be the single leftover after the zen garden cookie is consumed, yet it is complete and reminds the memory of tasting. The eater may keep the stone, enjoying romance between the rock and himself alone.
The second one is a cookie inspired by 然帶 (The nature of matter)
Kintsugi cookie
The cookie completes itself in flavour and outlook while being repaired by matcha chocolate and gold leaves - the intended act of breaking the cookie resembles Rikyū’s famous scene of breaking a vase to “complete” the tea house setting.
The third one is a cookie inspired by 古老 (Aging of matter)
”丸石神(Round Stone god)” Cookie
Using the idea of how round stone is worshipped in Japanese culture, these cookie round stones communicate the beauty of time passage and ageing. The workshop participants make these round cookies by shaking a few doughs in a round bowl, watching them slowly become spherical as time goes by.